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REEDS Jewelers Promo Codes

Reeds Jewelers Coupons & Discounts

Expired Offers

About REEDS Jewelers
Established in 1946, REEDS Jewelers is a family-owned business that built its reputation on fine, high-quality jewelry and excellent service. This jeweler will happily craft gifts and charms for any occasion. Some popular selections include diamonds, gold, platinum, men and women's jewelry, watches and plenty of other styles and materials. The company performs an inspection of every piece of merchandise to guarantee top quality, so you can rest assured knowing that your new Rolex or engagement ring is genuine and durable enough to last for years to come. Fine jewelry is not exactly known for its affordability. Buy one, get one free promos on jewelry-studded 24k gold watches are hard to come by, but that doesn’t mean that you have to spend an entire paycheck getting a thoughtful and shiny gift for your lover. REEDS offers quite a few in-store discounts and online deals that allow you to get what you really want at a price you can afford. When you come prepared with a REEDS Jewelers promo code or in-store coupon, you can save hundreds of dollars on fine diamonds and earrings from featured brands. Check out a few other ways to make the most of online discounts, printable promo codes and other savings opportunities at REEDS.
REEDS Jewelers Discount Tips

REEDS Jewelers Discount Tips 

If you are dead set on not paying full price, your first stop should be the Sale page. You can find watch deals, markdowns on designer necklaces and bracelets and special holiday offers. It's also worth visiting your local REEDS before completing an order on the site—you never know, there might be store-specific clearance items and other in-store deals. On top of that, you get to use your in-store promo codes and printable coupons. 

REEDS Jewelers does not offer any status-based discounts like a military discount, senior citizen discount or student discount. Shopping the sales and using online promo codes and discount codes are the best ways to avoid paying full price on your jewelry purchases. 

REEDS Jewelers Coupon Policy 

REEDS makes it easy to view all of its current offers and coupon codes. Visit the Promotions page and browse the in-store and online coupons currently available. Common deals include end of season sales, buy more save more deals and percent-off discounts on certain brands. Some codes may require a spending minimum or come with stipulations if you decide to return the item(s), but you can view the terms and conditions on this page as well. 

REEDS Jewelers does not have stackable coupons, so you can only use one REEDS Jewelers coupon code per transaction.

Subscribe to the REEDS Jewelers Email Program

Sign up for an account at REEDS Jewelers using your email address so you can start receiving exclusive REEDS Jewelers promo codes, information about upcoming releases and even exclusive subscriber-only offers and early access to sales. If there’s a promotion currently running, you may even receive a discount of up to $25 off your next qualifying purchase once you join the REEDS Jewelers family. To join, simply scroll to the bottom of the homepage and enter your email address in the form on the bottom right hand corner of the page. 

REEDS Jewelers Credit Card and Cash Back

REEDS Jewelers doesn't have a free rewards program or loyalty program, but you can enjoy the same benefits if you are approved for a REEDS Jewelers Credit Card. Cardholders earn 3% back in Rewards credit when you make a purchase with your REEDS Jewelers Credit Card. You can also use this card to finance your jewelry purchases, as long as your total is $500 or higher. Like a rewards program, your reward credits are stored within the card.

REEDS Jewelers Return Policy and Price Adjustment Policy 

This retailer will give you a refund or exchange as long as your return is received within 30 days of the original delivery date. You have to provide proof of purchase and the merchandise must be in its original condition. Your refund will be returned to your credit card, gift card or other method of payment. These rules are true of all online orders, but some stores have their own return policies—refer to your receipt if you are unsure of your store's policy. Fortunately, returns and exchanges are free.

REEDS Jewelers does not have a stated price adjustment policy. It’s best to assume that all prices are as marked, but you can get in touch with customer service if you have questions about pricing. 

Get the Best Shipping Price

REEDS Jewelers offers free two-day shipping on orders over $300. Given the typical cost of fine jewelry, that shouldn't be too difficult to manage. Sometimes, certain promotional offers come with free shipping even when you have not hit the $300 minimum. Even though this is not considered free shipping, you can get overnight shipping for just $15.

Contact REEDS Jewelers Customer Service

Have questions about your order, ring sizes, a return or any other related inquiries? The REEDS Jewelers customer service phone number is (844) REEDS-40. You can also speak with a representative via live chat on the company's Contact Us page.

REEDS Jewelers Company Information 

Corporate Headquarters Address: 2525 S 17th St Wilmington, NC 28401

Social Media: 

You can find your nearest REEDS Jewelers by checking out their Store Locator

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4 Get $50 Off Next Order $149+ w/ Email Sign Up Ongoing
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